Butler House (Hotel) on Main St.
Map of a portion of the First Ward in Hamilton, Ohio, 1875, pointing out the Butler House. Map from the “Combination Atlas Map of Butler County, Ohio”, by L. H. Everts, 1875. The Butler House, located on the south side of Main Street, between Front and Second Streets (B & C Streets), was a hotel erected in 1833 by Christian Rothenbush. An addition was added in 1836. He carried on the business until 1857, when he sold out to Cory & Wilson. The following well known men have operated the house for hotel purposes: Abram Rinearson, Felix Straub, A. J. Rees, W. B. Wilcox, F. J. Thornhill, David T. Reily, Daniel Grammar, Andrew Huber and George Huber. From “Biographical and Historical Sketches, a Narrative of Hamilton and Its Residents from 1792 to 1896”, by Stephen D. Cone, Hamilton: Republican Publishing Company.