Schuller and Benninghofen
Above: Shuler & Benninghofen Miami Woolen Mills, northwest corner of Fifth and Heaton Streets, Hamilton, Ohio, ca. 1875. From the George C. Cummins “Remember When” Photograph Collection. Donated by the family of George C. Cummins. Photo used courtesy of the George C. Cummins "Remember When" Collection at the Hamilton Lane Library, Hamilton, Ohio.
Above: Alex Cavanaugh, Henry Fillmore and ____ in a small boat on the Hydraulic Race at Fifth and Heaton Streets, Hamilton, Ohio, ca. 1890. This photo is a copy of a tintype. Tintypes are printed in reverse, so the copy was flipped to show the correct positions. Building on the left is the original felt manufacturing plant for Shuler and Benninghofen, and the low building on the right is the Sohn and Rentschler Foundry. Photo from the Butler County Historical Society, Hamilton, Ohio.