Portrait of George A. Rentschler. Illustration by the Western Biographical Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1882. Illustration from “A History and Biographical Cyclopedia of Butler County, Ohio”, 1882, Cincinnati: Western Biographical Publishing Company. This source states the following on Mr. Rentschler up to 1882: George Adam Rentschler was born in Schmee, Wirtemberg, County Calw, Germany, on the 8th of July, 1846, to Jacob and Catherine Rentschler. The family first settled in Newark, New Jersey. There he attended school up to the time of his father’s death, in 1858. He then took up the trade of molding and pattern-making, with Oscar Barnett & Company. In 1864 he went to Peru, Indiana, where he was employed at molding for one year. He then moved to Indianapolis, where he had charge of the Novelty Iron Works until 1870. From 1870 to 1871 he was in Cincinnati with Adams & Brith, in charge of their stove foundry. In 1872 he returned to Indianapolis, acting as superintendent of the Variety Iron Works, where he remained until their move to Hamilton in March, 1873. Mr. Rentschler accompanied them and remained in the same position until June, 1875, when the firm of Sohn, Rentschler & Balle was formed. The firm of Hoover, Owens, Rentschler & Company manufactured portable and stationary engines and threshers. In conjunction with Joseph B. Hughes, the county auditor, he founded the Royal Pottery Works. He also had an interest in the Phoenix Caster Company, in an ice-house in Fairfield Township, and the Cincinnati Brewing Company of Hamilton. The greatest portion of his time, however, is taken up in his iron works. Here they manufactured gray iron castings, made machinery to order, and supplied a large line of shelf hardware.
Started the Republic Motor Car Company in 1909 on Fairgrove Avenue across from the fairgrounds. The company built about 200 cars a year in the five years they were in business.