Jane H. (McMechan) Corwin - Poet
Mrs. Jane H. Corwin was a newspaper writer who frequently published pseudonymously. Write a book titled “Harp of Home”. Two letters attached to the Library Company copy reveal that, in the years following the book’s initial publication, her husband died and her three surviving sons fought in the Civil War, and the losses suffered rendered her penniless.
Mrs. Corwin was well respected in the Hamilton community for her prose and wisdom.
Mrs. Corwin was well respected in the Hamilton community for her prose and wisdom.
Stella Weiller Taylor first became acquainted with Jane as a young girl. Stella peered out the window of the Straub house, at the river and Main Street where she lived, as she held her mothers hand. Stella watched as the funeral procession of Jane Corwin passed. She saw the many carriages that followed Ms. Corwin's hearse. Stella decided at that moment that she wanted to mimic her life to that of Janes.
Quote from Stella Weiller Taylor:
“I have cherished Jane Corwin in my heart as an ideal for years, as one keeps a rose pressed in a book. She loved Hamilton, she delighted in music, poetry, children, and she dreamed dreams. She dared to be spontaneous in a straight laced age, looked always upon the brighter side of life with words of praise for those she loved and a sweet forgiveness of carping critics.”
“I have cherished Jane Corwin in my heart as an ideal for years, as one keeps a rose pressed in a book. She loved Hamilton, she delighted in music, poetry, children, and she dreamed dreams. She dared to be spontaneous in a straight laced age, looked always upon the brighter side of life with words of praise for those she loved and a sweet forgiveness of carping critics.”